Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Distinctive Lutheran blogs...and then me

Since the beginning of the blogosphere, many people have tried to get their thoughts, beliefs, and concerns out into the public in a quicker more effective manner than ever before. Many have tried to start a blog. Most have fallen away. Others have tried to be all things for all people. My issue has been trying to be everything for everyone. A little confessions, a little practice, a few book promotions, sports analogies (more than I should), and little rants.

As I look through the blogosphere, I realize the best blogs are ones that are focused and you have an idea of what you will get each day. This is why I will spend the next week highlighting blogs that I read that are sucessful due to their focus.

The blog I highlight today is one that I read everyday. It is called, "Weedon's Blog" written by Rev. Wil Weedon from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, IL. What makes his blog distinctive is his ability to reflect on the daily commemoration of saints and highlighting many Lutheran prayers, quotes, and also quotes from the church fathers. If you have a desire to see a distinctively Lutheran blog that does not sacrifice their theology, check out "Weedon's Blog."

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