Monday, October 12, 2009

Regeneration gathering Day 2

The only full day of the Regeneration summit was a full day. Devotionals, distinctions of Catholics and evangelicals, a panel discussion on missional & Lutheran, worship, and prayer.
The beginning of the day was the most powerful. Rev. Jeff Cloeter, Pastor of Christ Memorial Lutheran in St. Louis, answered the question, "Does it matter to be Lutheran in the 21st century?"
He defined the Gospel as "Manger, cross, empty tomb." The saving work of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This Gospel, most Christian churches (worth their salt) possess and confess. However, the problem is a distinction of presentation vs. proclamation.
This is a section from his presentation:
Clarity of the Gospel:

1) Gospel Presentation-Jesus died on the cross.
2) Gospel Proclamation-Jesus died on the cross for you.

Proclamation as:

-Pure grace-No demands on us.

-Primary discourse-Direction declaration of God for you! Here and now.

-From the outside-Extra nos-Outside of us-Truth of what God does to me.

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