Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wisconsin Dells and the winter grind...

This week we went to Wisconsin Dells (the money pit of resorts and waterparks in central Wisconsin). We had a great time with the extended family: swimming, sliding, playing, eating, and relaxing (as much as you can with 3 little kids). I was amazed at the sure number of people in each waterpark, especially ones with real little kids like ourselves.

I thought to myself, what were most of these individuals doing 10 years ago? If they would have been at a beach 10 years ago, how different would they have looked and acted? Obviously a more revealing swimsuit, probably would be on the prowl for the opposite sex, and doing many stupid things that caused problems. But now, they were chasing after little kids, wearing full body swimsuits, and more less cordial of other people. It is amazing how God changes our perspectives as we grow older and shows us the importance of the vocations that He gives us. May God bless all families in their vocations of parenting!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What if?

Here is a post from Rev. Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, from his Meyer minute that really hits home during these times.

January 23, 2009
"What if?" That's the favorite question of worriers.
"What if something happens to my child?" It could happen, but the Bible says, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
"What if I get laid off?" "What if I continue to be unemployed?" "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).
What if I make the wrong decision?" "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).
"What if I get criticized?" "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).
What fill in the blank. What is it that has you anxious? In her book "Tame Your Fears," Carol Kent cites a 1987 study "which concluded that women are two to three times more prone to chronic worry than men are" (Navpress, 1993; p. 57).
"Take it to the Lord in prayer." Lord, I'm worried about...(you fill in the blank). I don't ask You to take away my anxiety but I do ask You to help me trust Your Word.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). In Jesus' name. Amen.

Methodist women pastors NEED to be at big churches?

This is an article in the Christian post. Whether one agrees or disagrees with women pastors (obviously I do not agree), when you read this article, how much of the emphasis is on reaching the lost and nurturing the faithful with the cross. Ever wonder what happens when we go against God's Word?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The "Duh!" statement of the year...

An article this morning in the Milwaukee Journal proclaimed this statement with vigor:

"Exercise partner can help keep workouts on track"

"DUH!" Are they saying that it helps to have someone work out with you as opposed to go by yourself? That would seem to be painstakingly obvious to a monkey. Of course, if someone keeps you accountable and pushes you to do that extra 5 minutes on the treadmill or that extra 2 reps, you will be more successful. Yet, in order for this to continually make headlines in the paper, magazines, and the internet tells us one thing: THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO NEED TO HEAR IT!

This article really makes me think about our role as a church. Every Sunday we are called to repeat a message that often makes even our own members say, "DUH! Of course Jesus died for our sins, doesn't everyone know that? Can you tell us something different, because we have already heard that enough!"

Yet, the more I preach this precious Gospel of Christ, I continually see the need as I hear people remind me of the sting of original sin and the lack of hope in their lives. And as many search for that hope and comfort from pop-Christianity and pseudo-motivational preaching, tells us one thing: THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE OUR THERE WHO NEED TO HEART IT!

At St. John's Lutheran, North Prairie, be ready! Because we are those kind who make the "Duh!"
statement of the year over and over, "Jesus Christ has purchased and won you, not with gold or silver, but with his precious blood and innocent suffering and death." This message will continue because WE ALL NEED TO HEAR IT!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The end...what are the signs?

Tomorrow evening we are starting a Bible study on "The end times: The Lutheran Difference." It promises to be interesting. Many people have shown interest in this subject and it is even more popular in our society.

So each week, I will kind of give a preview of what is to come. Our first night will focus on the signs of the end.

Matthew 24:3-14 gives us a glimpse of what is to come. There will be the following occur:
1) Individuals claiming to be Christ will be everywhere.
2)Wars and rumors of wars
3) Famines
4) Earthquakes
5) Gospel proclaimed to all ends of the earth

This will be Satan's little season before Christ returns. Although these things have been around since Jesus was with us, Scripture indicates that it will become even worse during this season and the faithful must stay strong.

Often this can bring fear to the hearts of us believers, however, the Lord comforts us by saying in v.35, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Also in chapter 7, "Do not be anxious for tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself." When looking at the end times, we must keep Christ and Him crucified at the center or else our hope will be on the tribulation and not on our salvation!

"Christ, Come quickly!"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Men's Bible Study started today...

This morning we had our first Men's Bible Study in a number of years. It went very well, we had 12 guys and started to study I Thessalonians. The best part was that I didn't lead it. One of our men who has taught confirmation for many years is heading up the study and is doing a great job. I enjoy being the promoter and supporter and doing things that I would love people to do for me.

These kinds of Bible Studies are in dire need. Especially ones that focus on Christ and not the newest fad (how to live or be more touchy feely). Our churches need men to be men. We need men to be leaders. We need men to study the Word and lead our churches to hear and know of a manly Christ who has done it all. If anyone out there is doing men's groups successfully, I would love more advice.

Friday, January 23, 2009

March for Life...a new meaning this year...

Yesterday, thousands of people filled the streets of Washington D.C. However, they were not there to have a second celebration of the inauguration of our new President. On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, these calm marchers were there for life of all ages.

In our own church body, hundreds came from Lutherans for Life and also LCMS Life Ministries. It is quite inspiring for me to see all those individuals stand up for the defenseless. Especially when most of America tends to be lukewarm on the issue.

On this issue, I have taken a complete 180. In college and also throughout Seminary, I was definately pro-life. However, I probably would have had the addage, "If you don't like, don't have one." I was wrong. This all changed through some good mentors in the faith and also when I had a situation in my life where I heard of an abortion that was about to happen of someone I knew from an outside source but I could not do anything about it. I was not supposed to know and my hands were tied. As far as I know, the abortion happened. This quickly brought abortion from something all those outside our church do, to someone who was active in the church was doing it.

God is a God of life (John 10:10). May we be active in our support and our action for mothers, the elderly, and the disabled. It is not just an issue that happens to those on the outside, but people in our churches have these issues come to the forefront. Next year, I hope to be in DC for this great event!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Invocation at the Inauguration...what do you think?

After much controversy, Rick Warren gave the invocation at the inauguration of our new President, Barack Obama. IF you heard it, what did you think?

He seemed to do as good of a job as a Christian pastor could do at a "civic" event. He spoke of God our Father, ask for strength for the president, prayed in the name of Jesus, and then ended it with the Lord's Prayer. Actually, it was much better than I would have expected.

I always find it interesting when a pastor uses the prayers basically as an announcement. For example, Rick Warren said something like this, "We come this day to celebrate our first African American President and what an example as a boy of an African Immigrant can make it to the top leadership position." Is this calling up to God or just giving information to the crowd?

Overall, a faithful prayer. May our pastors ALWAYS proclaim Christ in all things!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Football, Rest, and Confessions-8th Commandment-Large Catechism

"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor"

No one can hide from this commandment! One of our confirmation students said, "So, are you saying that gossiping about someone is a sin?" After I told her yes, she said with a sigh of guilt, "Ohhhhh....we do that every day." I directed her to know that individual confession and absolution is available after class!

This commandment for me is known as the unhealthy triangle. Person one disagrees with person two. Person two tells five other people and those five people change their perspective on person one. In the meantime, person one apologizes to person two and they are now reconciled. However, those five people still do not like person one because they still think person two is upset. Thus, gossip, rumors, and conversations that should be between the first two people change the perspective that was unneeded.

As Luther says so well, "Therefore, if you encounter an idle tongue which betrays and slanders some one, contradict such a one promptly to his face, that he may blush; thus many a one will hold his tongue who else would bring some poor man into bad repute, from which he would not easily extricate himself. For honor and a good name are easily taken away, but not easily restored."

We see how quickly idle tongue can cause the view of our neighbor to be destroyed and those rumors are not easily washed clean (if ever). This is one of the hardest commandments, but also one that we as Christians need to uphold with the utmost of integrity. Our society tells us that we can tell many people about other people (look at politics), because if something is true, it should be known. However, even if something is true, we should respect and love everyone according to their identity as a child of God, to not tell anyone if it would hurt their reputation. And how hurtful is it when people are saying things about you that hurts your reputation? There is nothing worse.

Do we all sin on this one? Yep. The question then is, how do we uplift this commandment and follow it faithfully in every day life? I want concrete examples! And individual confession and absolution is available to everyone if you need!! :-)

Homework: 9th Commandment

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mulligan or perfect score?

It has been a crazy week, my apologies for not posting in a few days.
Today, while walking at the YMCA, I heard a great Gospel quote from Issues Etc. It was from a broadcast this summer with a gentleman from Pirate Christian radio was talking about Rick Warren. On Christmas Eve 2007 on Fox News, Rick Warren said that "Jesus came to bring us a new mulligan" (referring to golf of course!). However, this implies that we have to do something in order to receive salvation. We will have a new start, but we still have more to do. A Gospel-centered approach would say that after a round of golf, our Lord hands us a perfect scorecard! Everything completed by Christ and nothing by us. May this be our focus as a church and in our lives as Christians!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Baptism of our Lord Sunday-A great reaction

Yesterday we celebrated Baptism of Lord Sunday. For the first time we placed the Baptismal Font in the "front" of church as people walked into the church. What a feeling it was to placed your fingers in the water and walk into the church with water running down your forehead as a reminder of my own Baptism. It reminded me again that the Lord is not done with me yet!

The congregation seemed to react very well to the "Catholic" ritual. And I emphasized in my sermon that as the Baptismal font is in the way as we enter church, our Baptism tends to get in the way when the Old Adam tries to point us away from the Lord! I realize time and time again where the Holy Spirit has turned me back when I was about to be a moment from destruction. What a gracious God we have!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

God wanted Florida to win?

With all of the Jesus talk from Tim Tebow, many people might be under the impression that God has chosen the Florida Gators to be national champs because they have a Christian quarterback. Hmmmm...

Can we say that Florida won because of a Christian quarterback or that they were more faithful to God? Better not start that kind of mentality.

However, this is important concerning vocation. God has called Tim Tebow to be the best quarterback and to treat those around him with respect and also to witness his faith. When given the opportunity to witness his faith, he does it, and when given the chance to help his neighbor he has done it also. This shows that God has called him to the best at what he does, and that has lead to his team being national champs!

Hopefully, God calls Adam Weber to the same calling next year at Minnesota! :-)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stragetic Planning Seminar at District Office today...

At the district office today five of our people will be attending a seminar on "Strategic Planning for missions." I always look forward to these seminars as our district is really focused on uplifting stewardship and using God's gifts to His glory.

One of my struggles with strategic planning is making sure it fits within our confessional Lutheran theology. If the planning concerns making sure that the building is nice looking and the parking lot kept up, or just about adding staff, then it definately isn't. But it is focuses on how the pastor can continue to be pastor (preaching, teaching, and studying the Scriptures) and how we can add find more effective ways to bring the Gospel. Great.

I'll never forget some council meeting minutes I read from a congregation that stated, "Our goal is to have 400 people in worship every week." This was from the elders. Is that a great goal? absolutely. Does it kind of make it all seem like our work and not God's? Yep! We need to set goals that focus on doing Word and Sacrament ministry better and letting the Office of the ministry do its thing and the priesthood to do theirs. I look forward to seeing what God does today. I know it will be good!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tim Tebow, National Champion-Favored by God?

I will never forget last year when Tim Tebow won the Heisman Trophy. He walked to the mike and said, "I want to first and foremost thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." Tim Tebow has never held back that his faith life is first and foremost. His parents were missionaries and if not playing football, he has said publicly that he would do the same.

However, with a National Championship under his belt after last night's win, I wonder if some people could get the impression that he makes it sound like God has favor upon him to win! Ever feel that way with some pro athlete's. They make it sound like God is on their side or that their team is God's team (a.k.a. Kurt Warner & the Rams, Reggie White & the Packers, etc). I'm not saying anyone said this specifically, but one can get that impression!

Does God favor one team or athlete above the next? I will address this question tomorrow!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Frustrated gym member....joyful in Christ!

This is the most frustrating time of year for all people who work out at the gym year round. The dreaded New Year's crew flood into the gym with New Year's resolutions and a desire to take your favorite treadmill. There is nothing more annoying than when you get to a normal schedule, you always have a chance to get on a machine, and do your own thing, then BAM! Everything is packed and you have to wait to work out. Man!

I must confess this is a very egotistical view of life. What did I just become the most important person in the YMCA? There are many people who need to healthy and in better shape and what better place than the Y to get that done.

Many times we get this way in the church. "That person is in my pew" "I liked it better when we had less people" "The person next to me sang too loud." These are common statements in the church, which is a good thing it is God's church and he offers His gracious forgiveness. No one in the church if better than the next, no one has any right to stand up with pride for what they have done, but we all join together in the place to receive His undeserving gifts. That is the best place to be!

Lord have mercy

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

National Champs-Tim Tebow called by God to win national title?

I will never forget last year when Tim Tebow won the Heisman Trophy. He walked to the mike and said, "I want to first and foremost thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." Tim Tebow has never held back that his faith life is first and foremost. His parents were missionaries and if not playing football, he has said publicly that he would do the same.

However, with a National Championship under his belt after last night's win, I wonder if some people could get the impression that he makes it sound like God has favor upon him to win! Ever feel that way with some pro athlete's. They make it sound like God is on their side or that their team is God's team (a.k.a. Kurt Warner & the Rams, Reggie White & the Packers, etc). I'm not saying anyone said this specifically, but one can get that impression!

Does God favor one team or athlete above the next? I will address this question tomorrow!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 8-Football, Rest, and Confessions-7th Commandment-LC

"You shall not steal"

"Well, I've never actually held up a gas station, so I've never broken this command!" In many ways, we are like Pharisees. We take the command to mean as little as possible, then require it of everyone and act as if we are not sinful. Even if we have never blatantly went into a store and taken something without paying. It does not mean that this command is over and done with. The list of things that we go wrong, is forever long!

Luther speaks thoroughly on this command in reference to workers who are lazy on the job. Whether it would me a man or maid servant, or other type of worker, if one does not work their hardest in their job, they are stealing. As he says,
"The same I say also of mechanics, workmen, and day-laborers, who all follow their wanton notions, and never know enough ways to overcharge people, while they are lazy and unfaithful in their work"

How often have you came home from work and said, "I worked my absolute hardest today." I think we all fall short in this command.

Another problem is when people take this command to only be "knowingly" taken something that isn't yours. For example: If I accidently take someone's pen when borrowing it and then find out later and then never return it, guess what, SIN! Whoops! And the list goes on and on. I really do prefer not to move on in this command because I have enough to go to my father confessor and receive absolution very soon! May we all live in the glory of Epiphany where Christ reveals his purpose of saving us from our sins! Thanks be to God.

Homework: LC-8th Commandment

Saturday, January 3, 2009

cough, drop, and roll

Right now, we are in the midst of bronchitis/cough city!! All of us have some form of sickness and it is driving all of us nuts. The worst part of cough is that it stops you from sleeping, ergo, the longer the sickness lasts and more time for everyone in the family to get it. A lot of prayers, meditation, and healthy eating needed. I pray not many of you are going through the same thing.

Prayers for a healthy new year!