Saturday, August 23, 2008

Excerpts from our prominent Lutheran devotional

As we get close to a new year of our confirmation, I figured we would start posting parts of the catechism on a daily basis. As the catechism was designed to be a daily reflection on the basics of the faith, we will continue that tradition. Every day I will post exactly what the catechism wants from us: "As the head of the family should teach in a simple way to his household."

The First Commandment.
You shall have no other gods.
What does this mean?
We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things

What gods do you have above the one, Triune God?

My pet gods include the Minnesota Twins, exercise, Dr. Pepper, and my family (although that is a better "god" than the rest). I will naturally spend hours thinking and participating in these things every day. Even worse some days I do not study God's Word or lift up my requests in prayer. This alone proves that I need to come to the cross each day and ask for His sweet words of forgiveness.

Think of your gods today as you prepare to receive the gifts of God tomorrow morning, especially if you receive the Body and Blood. And leave them at His altar!

1 comment:

David Cochrane said...

Yes pastor it is so easy to become enslaved to that which fades away. Even children eventually grow up, move away and becomes engrossed in chasing after wealth. Interactions with them can become few and far between.

Praise God that his ears are always open to our prayers. He is the sole deserver of our fear, love and trust.

God's peace. †