Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayers to the Holy Spirit needed this Saturday...

As I have been praying about being a missional church, I have realized that my weekly vocation has focused mainly on internal matters. Visit to MEMBERS, preschool/daycare matters, sermon prep in the church, counseling, and schedules for the staff. Almost none of my job description involves the community and neither does our ministry budget, time, and energy (Now, don't misquote me as saying that I should not care for our flock, neither would I ever deny people in our church from the gifts of God). If we all take a hard look at our ministry, we are probably a little heavy on internal matters and very light in external.

To begin a process of looking out, our congregation will be doing a prayer/needs walk this Saturday. Myself and whomever else is coming (hopefully some), will walk around our community and ask two questions: 1) Do you have any prayer requests? 2) What do you see as the biggest need of our community? We will NOT try to promote our church (unless they ask) and it will simply be about ways that we can show mercy to our community. Yet, this scares the junk out of me. I've never done anything like it, I'm scared to see the reactions, and I am suffering with a lack of trust in the Holy Spirit.

Keep us in your prayers as we go out and serve!

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