Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 8-Football, Rest, and Confessions-7th Commandment-LC

"You shall not steal"

"Well, I've never actually held up a gas station, so I've never broken this command!" In many ways, we are like Pharisees. We take the command to mean as little as possible, then require it of everyone and act as if we are not sinful. Even if we have never blatantly went into a store and taken something without paying. It does not mean that this command is over and done with. The list of things that we go wrong, is forever long!

Luther speaks thoroughly on this command in reference to workers who are lazy on the job. Whether it would me a man or maid servant, or other type of worker, if one does not work their hardest in their job, they are stealing. As he says,
"The same I say also of mechanics, workmen, and day-laborers, who all follow their wanton notions, and never know enough ways to overcharge people, while they are lazy and unfaithful in their work"

How often have you came home from work and said, "I worked my absolute hardest today." I think we all fall short in this command.

Another problem is when people take this command to only be "knowingly" taken something that isn't yours. For example: If I accidently take someone's pen when borrowing it and then find out later and then never return it, guess what, SIN! Whoops! And the list goes on and on. I really do prefer not to move on in this command because I have enough to go to my father confessor and receive absolution very soon! May we all live in the glory of Epiphany where Christ reveals his purpose of saving us from our sins! Thanks be to God.

Homework: LC-8th Commandment

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